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Solo Travel Japan (2013) – The Beautiful Sting of Tokyo (Part 6)

HomeTravelJapanSolo Travel Japan (2013) - The Beautiful Sting of Tokyo (Part 6)

Originally Posted: March 10, 2013

This is the final part to the story. I hope you have enjoyed the journey and maybe even learned from the multitude of mistakes I made along the way. Thank you for reading! Have questions? Want more like this? Comment below!

Day of Rest

Not much to report today, as I didn’t go out and do anything other than go down to the local market to grab some food. Didn’t really feel up to doing much as I am super sore from this entire weeks escapades. I really just needed a day to wind down. Not sure what to do tomorrow, I’ll have to find out what time I need to be out of here by as my flight is at 11.45pm. I don’t want to be too early and just be sitting there going… “Ughhhh… yup” but I don’t like being in a rush either.

All in all I have enjoyed my time in Tokyo, I think next time I need to plan a little more in advance, maybe research tickets (like Studio Ghibli) a bit more prudently, instead of just thinking they would sell them on the day. Also maybe a longer stay and a bit more money to spend just in Tokyo as I have had to keep in mind that I have a week in Kuala Lumpur to come after this. All signs point to KL being a lot less pricey and potentially a little more relaxing.

One things for sure, I have not given up on you Japan. Even though I might have been a bit of a whinge in some of my posts I have still enjoyed and will always remember this trip. When I return, maybe a few days snowboarding would be nice also.

Another thing to add, maybe next time I should be a little but more fluent in Japanese. Communication has been a sticking point for this trip as the middle aged to older locals seem to be less likely to know or want to talk in English.

Nom Nom Sake

I know it’s probably the cheapest sake in the world but man is it addictive haha.

Oh, I also found out in Japan it’s not illegal to drink in the streets or public transportation and… unless you’re making a douche of yourself the cops don’t care =). On that note the other day I saw 3 older guys locked arms holding each other up as they drunken stumbled through the train station haha, was an awesome sight =p.

The Next Day

Since my flight to Kuala Lumpur was at 11.49pm tonight I thought it would be nice to try and kill some time today by going to the Tokyo SkyTree (cheers Tokyo5). I made my way to the train station and went on my way, 45 minutes later I was there! I walked around for about 10 minutes wandering the various shops and such, as there are A LOT here, and then decided to try and go up for a look. Yup, you guessed it (probably not) “I’m sorry all of the allocated tickets for today have been sold”. I think at this stage my eye was twitching with agitation so I simply thanked the information girl and walked back to the train station. It seems Tokyo won this round, most of my endeavours and voyages around this city have led to turmoil to which ok, admittedly half of the problem was me not booking in advance but in fairness the SkyTree I never planned on seeing and also they actually sell the tickets there every day, I double checked that.

To that end I will return with a vengeance, I will find someone online to have language exchange with, I will book the most amount of tickets anyone has ever seen before! Even to things I know I won’t even like or go to because you know what I don’t care I’m taking this town down next time I’m here. I will come here for longer than a week and I will book tours instead of touring myself around a city I’ve never been to before. Although I comfortably know my way around the train system pretty well so next time I should be ok… but still!!! I will book the tours!!! CAN I GET AN AHMEN!! *cough*

Airport Arrival Lounge

I now have to wait 8 hours for my flight, then spend the next 7 hours looking forward to my nice soft luxurious bed in Kuala Lumpur. At the very least I will be hitting the gym, spending time in the pool and going dirt bike riding through forestry looking at random tourist attractions like the good tourist I am going to be. Stay tuned for part 2 of this epic saga of an expedition…

Kuala Lumpur – ‘Hopefully easier than Tokyo’.

Anyway that’s me done for now, I may or may not post something tomorrow but rest assured once I hit Kuala Lumpur this whole thing will start over again. Although at least I’m in a 5 star hotel to relax after a hard day haha (Not saying sleeping on a traditional Japanese bed hasn’t been fun but my back and neck are killing me right about now!!).

Final Update Before Leaving

With the justification that I’ve had a rough week and not wanting to deal with 7 hours of a painfully squashed seat, guess what? Yes, Yes I did, No not that – the other thing, Yeah I did that. Business class all the way. Give me that bed!


Allan Leslie
Allan Leslie
Experienced Infrastructure Manager with over a decade of industry experience spanning Private, Non-Profit, and Government sectors. Passionate about music, cycling, and all things computers. Enjoys a variety of hobbies too numerous to list!
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