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Solo Travel Japan (2013) – Paging Doctor ZzZzZ (Part 1)

HomeEditor PicksSolo Travel Japan (2013) - Paging Doctor ZzZzZ (Part 1)

Originally Posted: March 5, 2013

Ok, so it all started leaving Perth where I was met face to face with my arch nemesis Mr Aeroplane. Hahah I kid I quite enjoy planes now. Anyway the flight over other than being boring was quite good, a lot better than I had previously encountered so that was a big plus. I was surprised when they served breakfast because it was massive! So filling and quite yummy too. Once I arrived in Kuala Lumpur it was pretty straight forward, I just followed everyone else and made my way to the baggage collection… Mind you their airport is massive and you could easily get lost but that’s ok because everyone speaks English. Once I passed customs and everything else I jumped in a taxi and headed to the LCCT to catch my other flight. It was pretty hot outside so the shorts and t-shirt I was wearing was pretty fitting to say the least. On arrival to the LCCT I jumped out and went straight into McDonald’s for some food, as expected, it looked the same as Perth. I ordered a sausage and egg muffin and coffee then found a place to sit down and relax for a few minutes, and it was in this time I noticed something… People where staring at me and muttering to each other in Malay and even when ordering the girl behind the counter did it too. Probably shouldn’t have worn a half naked girl t-shirt hahahhahaha.

So when I finished there I checked in and sat down at a café till the flight came…. So I waited… And waited… And waited…. Omfg. Next time I’m booking a flight closer together lol. Finally I heard the boarding call and headed down to the platform and then we had to wait for some other things too and then finally we could walk to the plane!! So off we trot down the runway, at this time I’m still suffering from a runny nose and congested head from this stupid cold so the heat and warmth where appreciated. I have to hand it to Air Asia at this point, they might be cheap but they spare no expense when it comes to hiring really hot chicks hahaha.

The flight over was boring, they didn’t have any sort of tv or DVD screens like Malaysia airlines did so I had to occupy myself which was fine because all I wanted to do was sleep. Time dragged on for what seemed to be an eternity and as flights go I couldn’t wait for it to be over.

Landing in Tokyo!

The pilot kind of landed sideways and it scared the crap out of me but that was ok I was glad it was finally over haha. The plane stopped and the pilot said his part and mentioned the outside temperature… “Welcome to Tokyo, it’s 7 degrees…” … 7….freaking….degrees. Needless to say everyone got out there jackets and other assorted warmth related gear then got off the plane… But I didn’t pack anything warm for carry on so I had to brace for impact!!! Walking out into the fridge was better than I thought and they had warm busses waiting so that even better. Once we arrived at the terminal we had to clear customs, difficult is one way to put it. It took forever to get through customs but once I got out it was easy.

I went to the booth for a taxi and paid for that then made my way to the taxi’s. jumped in the first available taxi and I think he was pissed off of something because what happened next was amazing fun but kind of dangerous. The guy planted his foot down!! Hahahhahaha speeding down the roads driving like he had just played gran theft auto: vice city and he needed to scare the guy attached to the bonnet that woo zi told you to get information from. If you didn’t get that reference then just think of some movie and the bad guys being chased =p on arrival at the hotel he jumped out and open the boot, so I got out too and he handed me my bag, turned and slammed his boot as hard as he could then drove away haha, I just got out of the way and walked inside to avoid any drama. Walked up to reception then checked in.

Once I was in my room a sigh of relief fell over me, so much time getting here and I can finally relax! Went for a shower and then I noticed something amazing… The toilet. Now don’t take this the wrong way I am not some weirdo who likes to collect toilets or something but it had one of those water shooters on it that sprayed your bum hahah so I promptly tried this and it was a weird experience, but definitely should be tried by everyone at least once in there life =p. I thought about going out but I decided not to due to being so tired so I then just went to bed.

I woke up in the morning to a phone call asking when I was going to check out as it was 11am… My heart sank!! I slept in too long!!! I quickly got my things together and made my way down to reception and apologised, they seemed ok with it so I left it at that.

I walked outside and immediately realised I had no way of finding my way because I had no data on my phone so GPS was out the window so I walked back inside and tried asking for a place to buy a SIM or phone to use… Welcome to the first language barrier. I have not tried so hard in my life to explain what a SIM card is to somebody hahaha. I gave up and asked where I can buy a phone instead… Apparently you can’t do that in Japan either so he tried to call someone who might be able to help.

Once on the phone it was no help either so I just said thankyou and walked out. No map, no idea where to go other than a vague idea in my head from studying the map of Tokyo before I came so I just started walking in the general direction of the train station.

I saw a convenience store open so I walked in to see if they had any phones (here’s me thinking like in Australia EVERYWHERE sells phones) but nope.. Asked the guy behind the counted but he didn’t know English but he tried and finally he understood what I wanted, he then walked outside with me and directed me to the train station as apparently they had a store. So off I went again.

I was getting looked at by everyone… It’s a weird sensation being the outsider somewhere… I don’t think ill ever make fun of someone who can’t speak English again that’s for sure =/

Finally found the train station and then another problem… No idea how to use there train system haha. Walked into the information centre and then realised that guy can’t speak English either… Crap. He was a nice guy, early 20’s and was able to pull up a translator on his phone so it made the experience so easy, but in the end he just called an interpreter so he had the right information. Once that was done I had my ticket and off I went!!! Or so I thought it was going to be like. I kind of looked at his with eyes that said “dude I have no idea what I’m doing” and I know he could tell what I was thinking because he kept laughing and trying to explain in as little English as he knew how to. An old man passing by noticed and he offered to take me as he was going that way also, saved by the super old man!!!

He knew quite a lot of English so we had a bit of a chat, where I was from, what I was doing in Tokyo etc.. And we got on the train. I am so glad this guy offered to take me because we then got off the train at another station, changed platforms, got off that train then onto another !!!! How was I supposed to know to do that if not for this guy?!?!?!

Once I hit Tokyo station we parted ways, I thanked him tremendously and he kept telling me, if I need help don’t be afraid to ask anyone!!

Once I left him it was kind of like one of those spirit guides in the movies because I looked back to see if I could see him and he had disappeared somewhere haha, I swear I didn’t imagine him.

Made my way down the platform into Tokyo station and holy crap… It’s like navigating through a maze of food stores and train line, I couldn’t believe it!!!

I tried to find a store to sell me a phone but unfortunately no luck. I decided it was better to get to my hotel / hostel first and put my baggage in there THEN try sort out a phone so I went back into the train station and made my way to the platform for Ueno station. Again, my god… Difficult to say the least. I got to Ueno station and walked to try and find my way to the main gate to which I might add is difficult again… Another maze of a train station YAY!!! And then this random guy ( looked normal) walked up and asked if I needed help. I was like “wow, Japanese people are so nice!” So I told him I was looking for the exit and he pointed it out, I said thanks and then he said something that reminded me of Perth… “You buy me meal for helping?”. Oh god, what just happened. I found myself in the clutches of a beggar. I kindly said “no, but thank you” and walked away as fast as possible haha. Once out on the street I found the taxis and took one the rest of the way because I couldn’t be assed trying to find my way to the hotel at this stage. Checked in, the guy at the counter speaks perfect English (thank god) and this place has working Wi-Fi! So that’s where I am at the moment haha. Once I’m done writing this I’m going to go on another adventure so wish me luck!

Missing you all and freaking out because nobody here knows English but ill be fine!! Xoxo

Oh and one last thing, all Japanese women talk in the cutest high voice hahahhahaha it’s so awesome.

Note: I added very little images to this post originally. I added some generic ones on top of the originals just to make it less text heavy and a little more pleasant to read. I hope you enjoyed!

Additional Thoughts / Notes

If I could do something different on this day, it would probably be to exchange details with the generous old man, or at least try to thank him for the immeasurable help he provided me. I’d say I would love to be able to figure out who he was but honestly it would be impossible. Another thing is that I would also try to buy that homeless guy a meal, even if he was trying to take advantage. I guess it’s always easier thinking back then it is at the time.

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Allan Leslie
Allan Lesliehttps://www.marcosis.com
Experienced Infrastructure Manager with over a decade of industry experience spanning Private, Non-Profit, and Government sectors. Passionate about music, cycling, and all things computers. Enjoys a variety of hobbies too numerous to list!
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