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Solo Travel Japan (2013) – Overall, Ugh. (Part 3)

HomeTravelJapanSolo Travel Japan (2013) - Overall, Ugh. (Part 3)

Originally Posted: March 7, 2013

Yesterday morning I headed off on my merry way to Disneyland, spent a good hour getting there then realised I needed a little more money so I went to the ATM… Apparently wont take my card, awesome, the next ATM… Same again… And again until all my options had run dry (4 different locations of ATM banks). So at that point I was freaking out a little as I only had ¥8000 and change in my pocket and didn’t expect to have this issue as per advice from people I had spoken to. I decided that it might be a better idea to try Tokyo instead, even though it was another train ride and eating away at my time. I jumped back on the train and headed back to Tokyo. On arrival at Tokyo I noticed it was already 12.30 at that point and I hadn’t even entered Disneyland. Frustrated, and a little short tempered, I made my way into outside Tokyo station (as opposed to inside the Tokyo terminal Tokyo) and tried to find an ATM. After walking around for about 20 minutes I found a Citibank branch and thought “surely, since we have those in Australia, my card will work!” and it did. Thank god. A little hungry, and a little less agitated, I decided I needed some food. I wandered around and walked into an office building that looked like a few of the stories above were restaurants and, to my amazement, it turned out to be a mall… Apparently everything looks like office buildings in the centre of Tokyo and you should never judge a… building… by the cover?

I walked around a bit and decided on an authentic Japanese place (mainly because it said “English menu available”) and wandered inside. Warm greeted and shown to my table I then ordered some Tempura chicken. Next thing I know 4 side dishes get brought out, rice, some soup and my tempura chicken… Wow All for ¥1500 (roughly converted is $15).

Once I had finished there I made my way back to Disneyland. Upon entry I saw Mickey Mousey, Goofy and a few others running around with groupies of Japanese school girls jumping and screaming with joy (had a giggle to myself) and I kept walking through and saw all the different stores and rides. I took heaps of pictures and I got a few movies too, maybe bought some gifts… maybe not… you will have to wait and see ;).

During the day I found myself quite uncomfortable being alone in a theme park built for at least 2 people, since all the rides where aimed that way. I was consistently looked at weirdly by the people there and had a few people snicker while looking at me since they obviously knew I was alone. Could have been me but I doubt it since it kept happening but I ignored it and kept doing my own thing. I rode the roller coaster and some go carts (actually meant for kids which I personally found hilarious), went on other rides too but one that stood out to me was the haunted mansion. I don’t know how they did it, but they made ghosts look super real, like they where right in front of you. That and the roof that looked like it raised into the abyss! I was thoroughly impressed and they even made the statue heads look real too, definitely a recommended one… except waiting 50 minutes to get on it… wasn’t fun.

I stayed for a few of the side shows and watched the daytime pageant, the million lights Pageant also when it turned dark.

Once that was all done I was feeling a bit lonely and depressed so I thought that was enough and made my way home. Note to anyone going to Disneyland, don’t do it alone.

On my way home from the train station I was hailed by a couple of guys drinking at a hole in the wall and asked if I wanted a drink, after my day I instantly said yes. I sipped on a sake and we exchanged cultural similarities and he had a big laugh at kangaroos and teased the kiwis for there sheep (his first question was “are they really intimate with them”!!!) and overall it was a pretty good end to the night.

So yesterday I did end up seeing all of Disneyland, but I never saw Disney Sea. I’ll need to go back for that one with a +1 I think (Spoiler: I did in fact go back with a +1 in 2023).

Will do another post later. Miss you all xxx

Allan Leslie
Allan Leslie
Experienced Infrastructure Manager with over a decade of industry experience spanning Private, Non-Profit, and Government sectors. Passionate about music, cycling, and all things computers. Enjoys a variety of hobbies too numerous to list!
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