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Solo Travel Japan (2013) – Glorious Food (Part 2)

HomeTravelJapanSolo Travel Japan (2013) - Glorious Food (Part 2)

Originally Posted: March 6, 2013

Today I went out hoping to find a shopping centre. As per my conversation with the guys down stairs, apparently there was one a few blocks away!! So off I went in search of said shopping centre like Dora the explorer. Not sure if they thought I meant a couple of weird shops and a pokie machine shop (it was like a mini casino!) I walked in to have a look and there was hundreds of them all blaring I could barely hear!!! But I found nothing. So I called it quits and because all the food places on my way looked really dodgy… They might have been ok places but they looked really sus and none of them made me feel comfortable enough to venture in… I decided to just go to McDonald’s. Again the language barrier proved a challenge but a menu on the table made it more simple and the girl seemed to get a giggle out of me trying to choose.

I decided after that I would come back to the hostel, maybe take a detour and check some places out. I did just that, and I found myself a 7-11 and picked up some goodies (my god I don’t know what it was called but as per a friends suggestion I’m glad I bought it). Basically it was light pastry with custard inside haha. Simple, but oh so good. Got a few other goodies too and headed back to the hostel. Not sure if I want to head out tonight anywhere, as from looking around, if I want to do anything at this time it would be, go to Tokyo or, don’t do anything at all. Taxi’s here are a little expensive but so is everything by the looks of it.

Didn’t get anything I wanted to done today, I wanted to go shopping and find some new clothes etc.. But it looks like overall this day was a right off other than having an adventure haha.

Umm… The temple sign… WTF?!?! Haha

Note: Reminder, this was 2013 and actually my first experience seeing this symbol outside of history books based on a completely different country.

So this is my room that I’m in… Nothing flash just a 4×2 with a traditional floor bed =p the view is pretty sweet though haha

Anyway thats me for tonight, going to have a shower and get some shut eye. Night night =)

Allan Leslie
Allan Lesliehttps://www.marcosis.com
Experienced Infrastructure Manager with over a decade of industry experience spanning Private, Non-Profit, and Government sectors. Passionate about music, cycling, and all things computers. Enjoys a variety of hobbies too numerous to list!
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